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Superdeck Mass Transit Case Study

Location: 45th Road, Courthouse Square, Long Island, NY

FRP Profiles: SUPERDECK Mass Transit Decking (GR250)

Contractor: Applied Projects Company

Overview: New York City Mass Transit Authority Engineers recognized the need to repair and replace the 45th Road, Courthouse Square elevated rail platform with a lightweight limited maintenance decking system. The decking system was required to replace the existing deteriorated concrete deck, which was spalling and crumbling, resulting in debris falling fi fty plus feet onto vehicles and sidewalks.

Creative Pultrusions, Inc., New York’s mass transit engineers, and Applied Projects Company teamed up to develop a lightweight, low maintenance, effi ciently applied decking system that would attach to steel support beams. Creative developed SUPERDECK Mass Transit Decking (GR250) specifi cally for the application. The GR250 decking is 1/5th the weight of a concrete deck, easily attaches to the steel structure, and accommodates the thermal expansion requirements while supporting pedestrian and maintenance vehicles

Installation: The decking was manufactured with an integrated tactile warning strip and an ADA compliant antiskid. The decking panels were pre-assembled into 48″ wide modules and sent to New York City where they were installed in March of 2012.

Creative was responsible for the shop drawings, structural engineering approvals for the State of New York, and the manufacturing. Applied Projects Company installed the SUPERDECK Mass Transit Decking on the elevated platform.